Magically “defeating” different CDN implementations

In this article I will show some different CDN implementations along with cases where each of them fails to bring the best performance. I am not a researcher in this area, so some of the points are based on my personal experiences.

1. Why people use CDN

Usually when people visit a website, their browsers first query the IP address from their ISP’s recursive DNS server, which in turn query the domain’s authoritative DNS. Then they will be connected to whatever IP address returned by the DNS which is usually distant (geographically far and has high latency) from them.

That is why people use CDN to solve this problem. By putting edge caching servers in different areas of the world (or in the target country) close to end-users, they can speed up the load time of their websites and improve user experience.

2. Traditional Geo-DNS setup

The most common and simple solution is to use a “Geo-DNS” service to point the same domain to different edge servers with different IP addresses (this is important). In this case, when people query the IP address of a domain, the authoritative Geo-DNS can point them to the nearest edge server, based on the users’ IP, their ISPs’ recursive DNS servers’ IP, or users’ IP provided by recursive DNS via EDNS Client Subnet (EDNS0) if supported.

This works fine in an ideal network setup, but it can easily fall apart. Here are some cases that I have come across:

(a) Unicast DNS

Sometimes Geo-DNS providers don’t use Anycast, instead provide Unicast IP addresses for different regions. The recursive DNS has no way of telling which one is closer to them, so it queries a random one, which can result in slow DNS resolution at first visit.

Example: DNSPod and CloudXNS (Popular Unicasted Geo-DNS providers in China)

DNSPod servers use ChinaNet, China Unicom and China Mobile unicasted IP addresses.
DNSPod servers use ChinaNet, China Unicom and China Mobile unicasted IP addresses.

(b) Bad GeoIP database

Some Geo-DNS providers don’t update their GeoIP database frequent enough, or just don’t have enough data.


(1) Amazon AWS CloudFront and Akamai don’t have servers in China for obvious reasons, but Chinese visitors are not consistently directed to nearest (Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan) locations. Sometimes a query from China can get a response of European locations, which results in ~500 ms latency.

Akamai directs ChinaNet users to Frankfurt, Germany when there are obviously better choices.
Akamai directs ChinaNet users to Frankfurt, Germany when there are obviously better choices.

(2) Some Geo-DNS providers in China, most notably Aliyun DNS. When both “Domestic” and “Global” records are set, they may direct Chinese users to “Global” servers.

(c) DNS different from network exit

Sometimes people may use recursive DNS servers in the network different from their actual network exit.


(1) In my university, we have mixed network exits, one in CERNET (AS4538) and one in TieTong (AS9394). Our recursive DNS has a CERNET address, so most Geo-DNS providers gives CERNET or (if the website doesn’t have CERNET servers) other networks’ addresses, for instance ChinaNet (AS4134). But our network exit is configured to use TieTong by default, so for most websites we are visiting ChinaNet servers with a TieTong network, even if they also have TieTong servers.

A more extreme case is that, in some networks they have different routing policies for TCP and UDP (which is a violation of OSI model), so when you do DNS query in UDP you have network A’s address, and when you actually connect to TCP port 80 you have network B. Magical? But true.

(2) Sometimes recursive DNS providers and/or Geo-DNS providers don’t support EDNS0. As long as either end doesn’t support it, it will not work. For instance, if user of open recursive DNS service “114DNS” (Anycasted across several Chinese networks) has a network that is not present in 114DNS’ Anycast network, and the authoritative Geo-DNS doesn’t support EDNS0, it will return the IP in the same network of 114DNS’ node, but different from the network of the user.

3. TCP Anycast setup

Some modern CDN providers use TCP Anycast technique, which means they provide a single IP address for their edge servers in multiple locations, and visitors are directed to the nearest location, decided by how they broadcast their routing tables to other networks.

Such providers include CloudFlare and MaxCDN, which use a single Anycasted IP for their edge servers across the planet. Verizon EdgeCast use a slightly different method where they provide several Anycasted IPs, each represent a geographical zone (Asia-Pacific, North America, South America, Europe).

A unified Anycasted IP solves many of the problems mentioned above, and it’s becoming harder and harder to defeat them. But here they comes:

(1) Magical routing policy (again)

Current Chinese IPv6 implementation has only one international exit (AS23911), which has two exit points: a default one in Los Angeles by (AS6939) and a premium one in Hong Kong (HKIX). When I resolve EdgeCast’s IPv6 address, I get one in 2606:2800:147::/48 network, which is Anycasted in Asia. But when I trace route to this address, the packet goes from China to Los Angeles and back to Asia, resulting in ~400 ms latency. Even if people use an Anycasted recursive DNS (like Google’s), since it has servers in Hong Kong, the result is the same. By querying the domain at OpenDNS (which doesn’t have Asian server) I get the IP in 2606:2800:11f::/48 network, which is Anycasted in North America, and the latency is only ~200 ms (same as the network exit’s).

Tracing route from AS23911 to EdgeCast's IPv6 edge servers in different continents.
Tracing route from AS23911 to EdgeCast’s IPv6 edge servers in different continents.

This only happens with EdgeCast’s “Continent-based Anycast” network. CloudFlare is not affected. But it has another kind of problem.

(2) Artificial routing deterioration

CloudFlare has edge servers everywhere, including Hong Kong, Taipei, Japan, South Korea, etc. which are all very close to Chinese users. But the major Chinese ISPs’ international exit routing policy directs CloudFlare traffic to Los Angeles (ChinaNet) and San Jose (China Unicom), where they are directed to the nearest edge servers in <3 hops. They did the same thing for Softlayer’s Hong Kong locations, for some magical reasons: maybe price, maybe [censored] ;). The latency from both ISP to CloudFlare’s US west locations are 200~300 ms, where with TieTong (which use Hong Kong as international exit) the value is <100 ms.

ChinaNet and Unicom users get 200~300 ms latency while China Mobile (TieTong) users get 80.
ChinaNet and Unicom users get 200~300 ms latency while China Mobile (TieTong) users get 80.

This is obviously not CloudFlare’s fault, because they cannot control the routing policy from another AS to themselves (unless they pay the other system to do so). If your ISP is doing this, switch to another ISP; If the whole country is doing this, maybe switch to another country?


To sum it up, when you and your customers’ networks don’t have any of the quirks above, a simple Anycasted Geo-DNS solution works fine – you don’t even need a commercial CDN service. But the real networks are hard, and so far a global TCP Anycast solution is the best we can do.

理解 React Native 的 FlexBox 排版模型

这两天尝试用 React Native 写了一个 APP,总体感觉是个好东西。目前没有 macOS 环境,没法测试 iOS 上的表现,但是安卓上是不错的。

在设计界面的过程中,如何正确排版、正确使用 FlexBox 模型就成了一个关键问题。其实这里的 FlexBox 跟 CSS3 中新加的那个 FlexBox (Flexible Box) 基本上是一样的,所以通过 MDN 上的这篇文章可以了解 FlexBox 的基础知识,例如主轴和侧轴、每个轴的元素排列等。另外,SegmentFault 上有一篇关于 React Native 布局的文章也不错,介绍了 FlexBox 排列元素时,遇到多个 flex 元素或有固定大小的(不 flex 的)元素,会怎样安排他们的大小。

假定读者阅读了上面两篇文章,明白了基础知识。接下来我结合 APP 中的实例来讲一下使用 FlexBox 过程中遇到的问题、解决方法和对 FlexBox 模型的理解。

考虑如图所示的 UI,上面是一个固定高度的标题栏,其中包含左右各一个固定大小的按钮,中间的文字填满剩余空间;下面是很长的内容,可以上下滚动,滚动时标题栏一直在最上面不动。

首先整个界面的顶层 <View> 标签,其 style 应该包括:{flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column',} ,这样内部元素就会上下排布。标题栏我额外定义了一个 Header 类(class Header extends Component {} ),因此 <View> 的第一个子元素就是 <Header style={...}>(标题栏子元素)</Header> 。这里要注意的是,给 Header 定义 style 本身没有任何效果,应该在 Header 类的 render() 方法中,将其实际顶级元素的 style 附加上,即 <View style={[header_styles.basic,]}>...</View>

然后看 <Header> 对应的 <View> 的 style。由于 <Header> 本身是固定高度的,因此可以肯定它不是 {flex: 1} 的。但是我们又想使用 FlexBox 中的排版功能,对标题栏中的元素横向排版,所以在顶层 <View> 中再嵌套一层 <View>,它的 style 应该是这样的:

container: {
  flex: 1,
  flexDirection: 'row', // 子元素横向分布
  justifyContent: '', // 这个无所谓,因为子元素要占满整行
  alignItems: 'center', // 竖向居中线排列

接下来看内层 <View> 的子元素。首先是左上角、右上角的图标,这里我用的是 react-native-vector-icons,就是两个 <Icon> 元素,它们都是固定大小的(其实就是一个特殊字符),因此我们需要中间的标题 <Text style={{flex: 1}}> 以填满剩余空间。这里就看出来,{flex: 1} 的意思就是这个元素的长宽可以任意放大(或缩小),以适应排版的需要。

这样 <Header> 部分就搞定了,接下来看正文的滚动部分,这里用的是 React Native 的 <ScrollView> 元素。通过文档中看出,ScrollView 是由一个外层短元素包含一个内层长容器,外层短元素可以是固定高度(height)的或 flex 填满剩余高度的,但内层容器应该是内容的实际高度,而不应该是 flex 的。这里文档写的很迷茫(“把 flex 从视图栈向下传递”,并没有看明白哪里是栈、哪里是下……),我是踩了很多坑才搞明白这是什么意思。主要代码如下:

<ScrollView style={{flex: 1}}

这个 <ScrollView> 在顶层 flex <View> 中,将其设为 {flex: 1} 即可填满除 <Header> 以外的剩余屏幕高度。但是 contentContainerStyle 控制的内层样式绝不应该有 {flex: 1},否则会被缩小到与外层元素一样高,裁剪掉多余的内容,因此无法实现滚动。这里与 <Header> 中类似,内部长内容可能还有更复杂的排版(比如进一步上下/左右分割),所以可以在 <View> 子元素的 style 上下功夫,比如设为 {flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row',} 即可将内部元素再左右排列。

下面提供一些我的 APP 中实现上述布局的代码(省略了逻辑和内容,只保留排版相关的代码,最终效果类似于 Material Design),供读者参考:

class Header extends Component {
  render() {
    return <View style={header_styles.header}>
      <View style={header_styles.container}>

const header_styles = StyleSheet.create({
  header: {
    backgroundColor: "#2196F3",
    height: 60,
    paddingLeft: 20,
    paddingRight: 20,
    shadowRadius: 2,
    shadowOffset: {width:0, height:2},
    shadowOpacity: 0.7,
    shadowColor: 'black',
    elevation: 2,
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    flexDirection: 'row',
    flexWrap: 'nowrap',
    justifyContent: 'flex-start',
    alignItems: 'center',

class Single extends Component {
  render() {
    return <View style={single_styles.container}>
        <Text style={single_styles.title} numberOfLines={2}>
      <ScrollView style={single_styles.scroll}
        <View style={single_styles.list}>
          <SingleLeft />
          <SingleRight />

const single_styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
  scroll_container: {
  list: {
    flexDirection: 'row',
    alignItems: 'flex-start',
  scroll: {
    flex: 1,
  title: {
    fontSize: 20,
    color: '#E3F2FD',
    marginLeft: 10,
    flex: 1,
    flexWrap: 'wrap',




Update: 后来又做了几集不同的视频字幕,也把链接放在这里:

  • Last Week Tonight S03E13 – AcFun, BiliBili(需登陆)
  • 柯南秀:明星填问卷 2016.06.16 – BiliBili
  • 鸡毛秀街头采访:川普粉丝有多死心塌地? – BiliBili
  • 赛金花深夜秀:近距离观察 – 川普接受党内提名 – BiliBili

更多视频可以参见我的 AB 站个人主页:

我已经加入阿尔法小分队字幕组,主要做 Last Week Tonight 的字幕。小分队主页:

前两天又找到一个空闲时间,于是做了一集美国脱口秀的字幕,剧集是 Last Week Tonight with John Oliver(上周今夜秀)的 S03E13。这次只做了中文字幕,因为实在懒得把英文都打出来。把30分钟脱口秀的中文字幕输入到编辑器里,花了大概10个小时,之后做轴和压制大概各1小时。

这次没有传别的地方,只传了AB站。下面是B站的Flash播放器外链,也可以点击这里去B站看。(外链请进入全文查看) Continue reading “第二次自己做字幕,这次是脱口秀”

Compiling kernel modules for Atheros AR5B22 (AR9462) on Jetson TK1

I recently got a Atheros AR5B22 chip for my Jetson TK1 board, in order to make it support WiFi and Bluetooth. The system provided by NVIDIA (Linux4Tegra 21.4) doesn’t have Atheros driver built-in, so I have to compile it to make use of the device.

AR5B22 installed on Jetson TK1

This is what the chip looks like when installed on TK1. AR5B22 is the Mini PCIe reference design for AR9462, which features both 2.4GHz and 5GHz WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0, according to WikiDevi.

Since it belongs to 9xxx series, Linux kernel has the well-supported driver ath9k for it. Unlike other WiFi-Bluetooth-combo chips from Atheros, this one doesn’t specify which Bluetooth chip it uses (judging by BT 4.0 support, it should be AR3012), but nevertheless you still need ath3k driver and firmware for Bluetooth support. This has bugged me for quite a while, but I figured it out anyway (with hints from this Ubuntu bug report).

If you are familiar with how to compile Linux kernel modules for Jetson TK1, above is all you need to continue. The rest of this article are detailed steps for those who don’t know about this.

Note: The following steps are to compile directly on TK1, and features some hack-y steps for installing them. Also, I am NOT responsible for bricking your device.

  1. First make sure you have the latest Linux4Tegra (L4T) 21.4 installed on your Jetson TK1, which features basic bluetooth support. You can use Jetpack to flash it.
  2. The following steps are all carried out with a shell on TK1. It could be either over SSH (ssh ubuntu@IP), or GNOME Terminal (Ctrl-Alt-T) from GUI if you have a monitor plugged in.
  3. Install the firmware (for ath3k) and dependency (for kernel config menu) packages on your TK1.
    sudo apt-get install linux-firmware libncurses5-dev
  4. Download and extract L4T kernel sources into your home directory.
    mkdir ~/kernel && cd ~/kernel
    wget -O kernel_src.tbz2  # For L4T 21.4
    tar xf kernel_src.tbz2 && cd kernel
  5. Copy existent kernel config as a start.
    zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
  6. Enter kernel config menu, and change the following settings.
    make menuconfig
    • From “General setup” set “Local version” to “-gdacac96” (check with uname -a), otherwise your compiled module will report “Unknown symbol in module” and “ath9k: version magic … should be …” errors when you insert them.
    • Use “Exit” to go back to the top, then from “Device Drivers – Network device support – Wireless LAN”, press M on “Atheros Wireless Cards” to compile it as a module; then enter it, press M on “Atheros 802.11n wireless cards support”, and press Y on “Atheros bluetooth coexistence support” and “Atheros ath9k PCI/PCIe bus support”.
    • Again, “Exit” to the top, then from “Networking support – Bluetooth subsystem support (should already be M in 21.4 kernel) – Bluetooth device drivers”, press M on “Atheros firmware download driver”.
    • Use “Save” to save your work (default “.config” name is fine), and “Exit” until you are back to the shell.
  7. Use the following command to start the compilation. It usually needs ~5 minutes to finish.
    make -j4 modules
  8. Here comes the hack-y part: Officially you need sudo make modules_install to install the modules, but I just want to install the newly compiled ones into a separate folder, so I will use the following commands instead:
    sudo mkdir /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/custom  # `uname -r` becomes "3.10.40-gdacac96" in this case
    find . -name 'ath*.ko' | xargs -I{} sudo cp {} /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/custom/
    sudo depmod -a
  9. In order to use WiFi and Bluetooth together, you need to enable “Bluetooth coexistence” in ath9k module.
    echo "options ath9k btcoex_enable=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k_btcoex.conf
  10. Finally, insert both modules into the kernel.
    sudo modprobe ath9k ath3k

You should now have both WiFi and Bluetooth working. You can check with the following commands:


Just to be clear, I used the above steps with the following hardware, but I suppose you can use the same drivers for any Atheros WiFi AR9xxx series and BT AR3xxx series chip (combo or separate), as long as the 3.10 kernel and ath9k & ath3k modules support them.

$ lspci |grep Atheros
# 01:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
$ lsusb |grep Atheros
# Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0cf3:3004 Atheros Communications, Inc.

配置路由器使用联通 PPPoE IPv6

博主所在的济南联通,很早以前说已经开通了公众 IPv6 网络,但是从 2015 年底才开始陆续有人报告可以获取到 IPv6 地址了。这里面具体怎么回事我就不追究了,今天我也终于成功的在电脑和路由器上配置好了 IPv6 网络。

更新:经过测试,使用 OpenWrt 官方最新的 15.05.1 版本,默认安装无需配置即可获取 IPv6 地址,而且软件库中有更多软件包可用,因此建议直接使用新版,而不要使用 PandoraBox 等版本旧、不开源的分支。小米路由器 Mini其它路由器都可以在官网查询支持情况。

联通在我这里使用的是 PPPoE 拨号上网,在 Windows 系统上无需配置就可以直接获取到 IPv6 地址,所以这篇文章主要说一下 OpenWrt 系统路由器的配置。

1. 第一步当然是准备一个支持 OpenWrt 系统(版本最少是 Attitude Adjustment 12.09.1,建议是 Barrier Breaker 14.07 或更高)的路由器。博主用的是小米路由器 Mini (R1CM),其本身虽然是定制的 OpenWrt 系统,但是界面没法像原版系统一样方便的修改参数,而且没有可用的 opkg 包管理软件(类似于 apt-get),最好还是刷成原始的 OpenWrt 系统。

还是以我手中的小米路由器为例,首先要将系统刷成开发版固件,然后去官网开放 SSH 权限,再接下来就是去下载 PandoraBox(一个国产的 OpenWrt 分支,适配很多国产路由器)并刷机。我使用的刷机命令是:

wget -O /tmp/pandora.bin http://.../xxx.bin  # 此处是你的路由器对应的 PandoraBox ROM 地址
mtd -r write /tmp/pandora.bin OS1  # "OS1" 可能根据路由器型号不同也不一样

2. 刷好机并进入后台后,请先确认左侧“系统”-“软件包”中有“odhcp6c”这个软件。如果没有的话,建议先“刷新列表”,然后在“可用软件包”中安装它。这个软件是用于通过 DHCP 协议自动获取 IPv6 地址的,因此对本教程至关重要。在 12.09.1 系统中可能不提供这个软件,那么建议下载类似的软件包(通常名字中含有 dhcp 和 6)。

3. 接下来,可以转到左侧“网络”-“接口”,默认内置了三个选项:LAN、WAN 和 WAN6。如果你的系统没有 WAN6,可以在接口中新建一个接口,并将“协议”设置为“DHCPv6 client”并点击“切换协议”。

接下来,在 WAN6 接口中按照如下配置:(括号内是 /etc/config/network 中对应的配置项,都在 config ‘interface’ ‘wan6’ 这一段中)

  • 基本设置:
    • Request IPv6-address:Disabled(option reqaddress ‘none’)
    • Request IPv6-prefix of length:自动(option reqprefix ‘auto’)
  • 物理设置:
    • 接口:自定义接口,并输入 @wan(option ifname ‘@wan’)

这样完成了 DHCP 获取 IPv6 地址的配置,可以先“保存”(不必现在应用)。接下来配置一下 PPPoE 上网信息,在左侧找到“接口”-“WAN”,并进行如下配置:(括号同上,属于 config ‘interface’ ‘wan’ 这一段)

  • 基本设置:
    • 协议:选择 PPPoE,但是如果你是其它网络,可以按自己的情况选择“静态地址”、“DHCP 客户端”等。(option proto ‘pppoe’)
    • PAP/CHAP 用户名、密码:输入宽带拨号的用户名和密码即可。(option username ‘xxx’ / option password ‘xxx’)
  • 高级设置:
    • 在 PPP 链路上启用 IPv6 协商:打勾(option ipv6 ‘1’)

这样也完成了上外网配置,还是先“保存”。最后进行一下“接口”-“LAN”中的配置:(属于 config ‘interface’ ‘lan’ 这一段)

  • 上部分“基本设置”:
    • IPv6 assignment length:64(option ip6assign ’64’)
  • 下部分“IPv6 Settings”:
    • Always announce default router:打勾(option ra_default ‘1’)

全部搞定,此时选择“保存&应用”,然后等待大概一分钟(PPPoE 拨号、获取 IPv6 地址的时间),路由器和所连接设备应当都能获得 IPv6 地址了。


(1) “状态”-“总览”-“网络”:

(2) “网络”-“接口”:

大概解释一下其中的意思:2408:802a::ee3a/64 这个地址,是路由器 WAN 口本身获得的 IPv6 地址,在路由器上使用 ping6 等命令,就是通过这个 IP 向外访问。而2408:802a::0:1/64 这个 IPv6 网段,是路由器从网络中申请到的专用子网段,用于分配给连接到路由器的设备。